Saturday, 24 October 2009

Eluvium – Copia (2007)

This guy supported EITS in the live album from yesterday (listen carefully to the introduction of the opening track, he gets a shout out), and so I thought I'd post him. Eluvium is just one guy called Matthew Cooper who lives in Portland, Oregon (where else?!?) This is great droney ambienty goodness; it's not ideal to get the party started, but it's near-perfect for having on in the backgound while you work. Oh, and Santa, if you're listening, please get me Life Through Bombardment for Christmas. It is the most beautiful boxset which contains his entire discography on vinyl, complete with artwork and posters andother treats. I NEED IT! Anyways, until Santa pulls his finger out, or until I become a cash money millionaire, this will more than suffice in the meantime. Enjoy.

Eluvium – Copia (2007)

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