Sunday 22 November 2009

Cut Copy – FabricLive.29 (2006)

So last night I went to my friend's house party to celebrate his 22 years of achievement on Earth, and there were three gnarly Aussies there. They had spent 24 hours on various planes, were forced to wait for 6 hours in Stansted Airport, and then had to endure the pleasures of a five-hour MegaBus ride up to Leeds. They hadn't slept for 2 days, hadn't properly washed in 4, and yet they still managed to outparty everyone there. I think they went through 2 crates of beer or something; then they started a fire (after I had drunkenly demanded they "put some shrimp on the barbie"), broke a chair, started a moshpit etc. etc. So this album is in their honour; it's a great mixtape from the marvellous Cut Copy. Oh, and one of the tracks is a clue to next week's theme...enjoy.

Cut Copy – FabricLive.29 (2006)

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